
The Yin and Yang of Fermenting

The Yin and Yang of Fermenting

I’ve had reason to ponder the messiness of life at the moment and am learning to see it from a new vantage point. This happens periodically as a new perspective is presented to me. Over the years I have taken a journey that has shown me how opposites can be complementary. That the harmony and balance in my life changes with time as my perspective shifts and I now appreciate how interdependent these opposites are. I must have the chaos to feel the calm!

Literally 'Feel Good' with the magic of Milk Kefir

Literally 'Feel Good' with the magic of Milk Kefir

You’ve heard of the benefits of pro-biotic drinks like milk kefir, but to really appreciate the benefits, you need to consume them regularly, even daily. So, what if you could make these amazing drinks at home and take control of your health and well-being?

Let’s get started – with Sauerkraut!

Let’s get started – with Sauerkraut!

When starting out on the path of fermenting foods, an easy place to begin is with cultured vegetables, particularly sauerkraut. There is so much variety and you can start with something very simple and diversify from there, using: colours, textures, herbs, spices as well as incorporating new vegetables as they come into season.

There are countless variations in recipes and you can have fun in the kitchen creating your own variations once you feel comfortable with the basics...

What is the fermenting hype?

What is the fermenting hype?

So what's all the hype about fermenting? Is it an old form of preservation and preparation or a new trend? The bottom line is it's both! 

To ferment at home is to open up a world of adventure, reconnection and vitality